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Engagement Letter

An engagement letter should be issued to the client at the outset of an engagement and also when the scope of service changes significantly. New letters or revised schedules may be needed if, for example, there are changes to the standard terms and conditions, to the scope of services or to the basis for charging fees.

Our terms and scope of services have changed so we are renewing all client engagement letters on a continuous basis starting early November 2023. The engagements will be managed through Onvio, our online portal. When your enagement letter is due for renewal you will receive an invitation to review and e-sign the new documents. The invitaion will either be from tony@kennedylegg.co.uk or jhellier@kennedylegg.co.uk

Please feel free to contact us on 01305 264573 at any time if you require further information.


Tony Grant: 16th Oct 2023 15:21:00